Multilingual productions, music or dance… the Bonner Theaternacht offers a great range of events for international and non-German speaking guests:
G.I.F.T. (German Italian French Theater) plays at the Institut Francais Bonn. In a humorous way, the scenes of the G.I.F.T. reflect themes around identity and Europe. On vous invite à réfléchir sur les thèmes de l’identité et de l’Europe grâce à de courtes mises en scènes remplies d’humour. Translations as surtitles (German and, if necessary, English) or the scenes are implemented in such a way that you can follow the plot even without understanding the words.
Quo vadis, Europa?
As a starting and ending performance, G.I.F.T. presents a scene specially written for the TheaterNacht. Out of nowhere, three figures meet, whose names are anagrams: Adolf, Floda, and Dalfo. Concealed offspring of right-wing populists? Failed AI results? Suspicious in any case! And so we ask ourselves: Quo vadis, Europe? As always with G.I.F.T.: Even if laughter sometimes gets stuck in our throats, humor will save us all! Although G.I.F.T. is trilingual, in German, French, and Italian, the audience doesn’t necessarily need to speak all three languages. If needed, there are translations as supertitles (in German and possibly English), or the scenes are designed so that you can follow the plot even without literal understanding.
The anti-war play MOMENTUM NOSTRUM depicts dark chapters of human history as an absurd event happening in a fairground. The selected scenes illustrate how much madness and war, ego and power, are interconnected. But why do we participate in this „evil game“? Couldn’t we, for a change, also „play peace“?
Wanted: ME, stateless and genderless.
In IMMIGRO ERGO SUM, Amina flees her homeland where there’s a life-threatening situation for transgender individuals. But how can one find inner peace when they are „two in one“? The young Frederick (Frederick the Great former Prussian King) engages in a philosophical discussion with the character named “ME” about the fragility of authentic existence, while Adamo undergoes an identity crisis as he feels pushed into the role of a househusband while his wife Eva provides for their livelihood.
Que Vadis Europa (En Français)
En guise d’introduction et de conclusion, G.I.F.T. présente une scène spécialement écrite pour la Theaternacht de Bonn.
Sorties de nulle part, trois figures se rencontrent, dont les noms sont des anagrammes : Adolf, Floda et Dalfo. Descendance cachée de populistes de droite ? Produits ratés d’une IA ? Étrange, dans tous les cas ! Et donc, nous nous posons la question : Quo vadis, Europe ? Comme toujours avec G.I.F.T. le rire est parfois grinçant mais l’absurde et l’ironie sont là pour nous sauver.
Bien que G.I.F.T. soit trilingue, allemand, français et italien, le public n’est pas obligé de maîtriser les trois langues. Si nécessaire, il y a des traductions en surtitres (allemand et éventuellement anglais) où les scènes sont conçues de manière à pouvoir suivre l’intrigue même sans comprendre littéralement.
La pièce anti-guerre MOMENTUM NOSTRUM présente des chapitres sombres de l’histoire de l’humanité comme une foire absurde. Les scènes sélectionnées illustrent à quel point la folie, la guerre et la quête de pouvoir sont liées. Mais pourquoi participons-nous à ce „jeu malsain“ ? Ne pourrions-nous pas « jouer à la paix » pour changer ?
Avis de recherche : MOI – sans origine et sans genre.
Dans IMMIGRO ERGO SUM, Amina fuit son pays d’origine où il y a danger de mort pour les personnes transgenres. Mais comment trouver la paix intérieure quand on est „deux en un“ ? Le jeune vieux Fritz (Frédéric Le Grand, ancien Roi de Prusse) engage une discussion philosophique avec le personnage appelé Moi sur la fragilité de l’existence authentique, tandis qu’Adam subit une crise d’identité car il se sent poussé dans le rôle de l’homme au foyer tandis que sa femme Eve subvient aux besoins de son couple.
Quo vadis, Europa? (Italien Version)
Come inizio e finale, G.I.F.T. presenta una scena appositamente scritta per la notte del teatro.
Dal nulla, tre figure si incontrano, i cui nomi sono anagrammi: Adolf, Floda e Dalfo. Progenie nascosta di populisti di destra? Fallimenti di intelligenza artificiale? Sospettoso in ogni caso! E così ci chiediamo: Quo vadis, Europa? Come sempre con G.I.F.T.: anche se a volte la risata può rimanere bloccata in gola, l’umorismo ci salverà tutti! Anche se G.I.F.T. è multilingue, tedesco, francese e italiano, il pubblico non è obbligato a conoscere necessariamente tutte e tre le lingue. Dove necessario, ci sono traduzioni sovrapposte (in tedesco e eventualmente in inglese) o le scene sono realizzate in modo che si possa seguire la trama anche senza capire letteralmente le parole.
Il dramma anti-guerra MOMENTUM NOSTRUM mostra i capitoli oscuri della storia umana come una bizzarra fiera. Le scene selezionate illustrano quanto la follia, l’incitamento alla guerra, l’ego e il potere siano interconnessi. Ma perché partecipiamo a questo „gioco malvagio“? Non potremmo invece „giocare alla pace“ per un cambiamento?
Cercando: IO – senza patria e senza genere. In IMMIGRO ERGO SUM, Amina fugge dalla sua terra natale dove c’è pericolo di vita per le persone transgender. Ma come si può trovare pace interiore quando si è „due in uno“? Il giovane Federico il Grande di Prussia conduce una discussione filosofica con il personaggio chiamato Io sulla fragilità dell’esistenza autentica, mentre Adamo subisce una crisi di identità perché si sente costretto al ruolo di casalingo mentre sua moglie Eva provvede al sostentamento della famiglia.
For the first time, the 4TELBAR will be taking part in the Bonner Theaternacht – a magical art & KÜLTÜR place in Bonn’s old town. The host, Saman Haddad presents a musical reading SAADI & SANTUR, a mix of Saadi’s poetry with Persian melodies, a beguiling fusion of words and sounds. The Arabic poems are also translated into German.
Several foreign language theater groups play on the BROTFABRIK BÜHNE:
The Bonn Players: Poor Yorick (excerpt) Yorick the jester is not dead – he’s on the road dying a death as he pioneers a new kind of comedy called stand-up. When this fails, he is persuaded by his tavern-wench girlfriend Bess to return to Elsinore and get his old job back – but when he arrives he finds there have been many changes, and he becomes embroiled in Hamlet’s plans for revenge. The full play will be staged on Friday 10th May at 20:00 at Brotfabrik.
See our website for more details
moving targets theatre: Orestia (excerpt) Father kills daughter. Wife kills husband. Son kills mother. What sounds like the Denver Clan is actually the only remaining Greek trilogy to date. Writer and director Robert Icke has adapted this Greek classic by Aeschylus into a modern piece about love, grief, revenge and justice.
LaClínicA – teatro hispano: Fronterizas (Auszug) LaClínicA is the Spanish-language theater workshop at the University of Bonn and has been performing contemporary theater and self-developed plays in Spanish since 2007. In the new production “Fronterizas” the group deals with different forms of cultural contact. The basis is your own intercultural experiences as a foreign language theater project in which the most diverse cultural backgrounds interact creatively with one another. From this starting point, the new piece uses the means of theater to address the concrete and imagined boundaries that surround us and determine our lives. Premiere in the Brotfabrik in July 2024.
Bonn University Shakespeare Company (BUSC): Precious Mind of an Overthinker (in englischer Sprache) Two people, one date and an endless string of thoughts. This play offers an insight into the complex mind of a man with the tendency to overthink. Play by Lina Zubedi.
The Tanzgenerator Bonn performs on two stages in the Brotfabrik cultural center: In the Production Studio, the Tanzwerke Vanek Preuß play in their new production BOYS CONFUSED PART 1 with the ambiguity of postmodern discourses about cultural identity and power, political correctness, tolerance and cancel culture. In Studio 5, terrain tanzkollektiv shows excerpts from the performance HAUT as part of an interdisciplinary project with a photo exhibition by the artist Nele Dorn.
Fotonachweis: Flaggen der UN-Mitgliedsstaaten am Olof-Palme-Platz in Bonn (